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Correct your gum line for an improved smile

Those with gums that rest too high up or low on their teeth might feel self-conscious about their smile. However, gum contouring surgery, often called gum reshaping or tissue sculpting, helps correct this by providing a more even gum line along the teeth line.

This is done by using lasers that target specific areas of the gum and allow for a nearly painless way of crafting the smile that you want.

What causes uneven gums?

Several factors could lead to gums that rest too low or too high on your teeth. For example, gums that cover a large portion of your teeth can make your teeth look smaller than they are. This is often the result of genetics or a particular health problem.

Those who have gum that are too high and expose the tooth could be at risk for potential dental problems. This can include gum recession, where the gum pulls back from a tooth and exposes the tooth root. This can also lead to deterioration of the base of the tooth and could be a sign of periodontal disease or gingivitis.

Is gum contouring surgery necessary?

Gum contouring is a cosmetic procedure. For most cases, it will not be medically necessary to have this procedure done. However, periodontal procedures such as crown lengthening and pocket reduction will need to be done for those experiencing advanced levels of periodontal disease. This can also include adding gum tissue when recession has occurred or trimming tissue that covers the tooth crown.

Gum contouring can also be used for purely cosmetic reasons since it allows the gum to be reshaped into a more appealing form.

What to expect at a gum contouring procedure

Dr. D’Alfonso will perform the gum contouring procedure using lasers. Before the procedure, a local anesthetic will be applied to the gum to numb the area. This helps reduce the level of discomfort and allows you to focus on your new, appealing smile.

Enjoy a better smile with the help of gum contouring