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Thanks to modern dentistry, it’s becoming easier and easier to prevent the formation of cavities in our teeth. One of these incredibly innovative and useful procedures is a dental sealant. Like a dental filling, a dental sealant is a procedure performed in order to prevent the potential bad effects of a cavity. However, unlike its cousin, a sealant is a preventative and not a reactionary measure. In other words, sealants prevent the problem before its too late. Here are some benefits of sealants:

Benefits of Dental Sealants

  • Significantly Deter Tooth Decay — Sealants can be a great way to cut down on the prevalence of tooth decay. Some teeth, in particular your molars and premolars, are more prone to tooth decay because the backs are very difficult to clean and have several crevasses that can be hard to clean properly. These are perfect places for plaque to build up and cause tooth decay. A sealant can be used to offer potential protection to these highly vulnerable areas.
  • Long-lasting — The vast majority of sealants are long-lasting, the ones that we use in practice at the Lakeway Center practice tend to last between five and ten years. This means they’re also great for helping prevent cavities in your child who doesn’t always brush the best or doesn’t have the best grasp of “great dental care” yet. At Lakeway, we also will ensure that your sealant is still properly applied at every check-up.
  • Cost — In comparison to traditional, non-mercury based dental fillings, a dental sealant is a significantly cheaper option. Though a dental sealant doesn’t guarantee that a filling won’t be necessary eventually due to poor oral hygiene, with proper dental care and a dental sealant your chances of hearing bad news at your next check-up are dramatically reduced.

Looking to find out more information about dental sealants? Visit our page on dental sealants. Likewise, you can always contact the Lakeway Center for Cosmetic & Family Dentistry regarding any questions about dentistry or to schedule an appointment!