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How your teeth fit together is an important aspect of your mouth’s health and function. A misaligned bite or malocclusion can bring discomfort and

Baby-teeth-lakeway-center-family-dentistry-texasThe importance and priority of health starts from the beginning of life, and it doesn’t exclude dental care. Making sure your baby’s pearly whites stay healthy and strong is one of the most important foundations you can provide for your child.

Before Teeth

Even when you baby is only sporting soft, pink gums, you still need to take care of his or her oral health. Just because there are no teeth doesn’t mean there is no bacteria. Plaque still forms around the gums of your baby’s mouth. Before your baby’s teeth show up, there is no need to use a toothbrush. However, it is still advisable and effective to take a soft washcloth or gauze to wipe down the gums after feedings and before bed. This keeps the gums healthy and clean and prevents the baby teeth from being under attack by plaque immediately after erupting.


The average baby begins teething around 6 months, but many start as early as 3 months and some as late as 12. All of the teeth should come in by the time they are 3 years old. Teeth come in gradually, one by one, typically starting from the lower front.

Some babies experience uncomfortable symptoms when teething. Usually, during the week before the tooth erupts, a baby sometimes will get fussier than usual, refuse to eat or drink or bite on things this is caused by the pain and irritation that he or she is feeling due to the teeth pushing against the gums. Some lucky babies experience no unpleasantness at all. If your baby is having a rough time teething, here are some simple and safe remedies:

  • Pain relievers that are safe for small children (Tylenol and Advil are good options)
  • Use a clean finger to rub along the gums of your baby to help relieve some of the pain. This can soothe your child’s irritation.
  • Give your child a teething ring or other safe object to chew on in order to relieve his or her stress.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s behaviors, symptoms or teething experience, feel free to contact us at the Lakeway Center for Family Dentistry.