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This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, a celebration that is generally filled with a lot of food and a lot of drinks (and a lot of football). Is your favorite side the stuffing? Or is this one of the few times you let yourself have as many sugary drinks as your body can handle? Before you feast this Thursday, let me give you a short guide to taking care of your teeth. Enjoying turkey is great, but let’s keep teeth white and healthy too.

Thanksgiving Teeth Guide:

  • Sodas have high acidity levels. Studies show that they have an acidity level (pH level) similar to battery acid. Yikes. Not only can sodas stain your teeth, but they’re full of sugar that can stick to your teeth and erode your tooth enamel. You can have one soda because it’s the holidays, but I’d limit myself. Besides, you have to save room for all of the other delicious Thanksgiving foods.

  • Say no to diet soda. Well, you can have one. My suggestion is similar to regular soda because diet soda actually has similar acidity levels that can erode your tooth enamel. If you’re going to have any kind of soda, try to rinse with water afterward. My suggestion of having one drink goes the same for wine and beer! While they do not have as high as acidity levels as soda, it’s pretty close. And remember, even white wine can stain your teeth!

  • Stick to water. The safest bet would to be to stick with water. I know that there are all of those tasty holiday drinks that you want to consume because it’s the holidays, but sticking to water will be your best defense against stains and cavities.

What should you drink during Thanksgiving? Maybe 1 soda, beer or wine, and rinse afterward. If you have any questions about teeth whitening or would like to schedule a consultation, give us a call at Lakeway Cosmetic Dentistry!