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Invisalign is an option that many people consider when they want to achieve that perfect smile. Choosing to get Invisalign is a big deal and big investment, I’m sure you have questions about it. Luckily, other people are probably asking the same questions.

Invisalign: Six FAQ’s

  1. How much does it cost? Depending on where you go, how experienced your dentist is, and your individual case, it can range anywhere from $3,000 and up.
  2. Does it correct an overbite? Yes, Invisalign can potentially correct an overbite. There are some instances, however, where braces may be the better option or other treatment may be necessary.
  3. How do I clean my Invisalign? The recommended way to clean your Invisalign is simple: a dab of regular toothpaste and a toothbrush. It’s important to use regular toothpaste as opposed to whitening toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste has more aggressive additives and can be too abrasive for the aligner.
  4. What can I drink with my Invisalign? It depends on what you want to drink. If you drink hot drinks, you may run the risk of melting your aligner. Drinking anything with sugar (with your Invisalign on), and you run the risk of cavities and tooth discoloration. Water would be the best route and if you do decide to drink anything else, rinsing and cleaning your aligners is key to keeping yourself cavity-free.
  5. I’m 50 years old, should I get Invisalign? This is up to you. Invisalign is not just for teens and adults under the age of 50. If you feel like Invisalign will help you achieve that smile you’ve always wanted, at least go in for a consultation and talk about your options.
  6. Where can I get Invisalign in Austin? There are a number of Invisalign providers in the Austin area. If you are in the Lakeway area, be sure to check out the expert Invisalign offerings at Lakeway Cosmetic Dentistry.

As you can probably tell, the answers to these questions are heavily based on each individual and a consultation can help answer more specific questions. If you are interested in getting Invisalign, schedule a consultation with Dr. D’Alfonso at Lakeway Cosmetic Dentistry. We’d love to see you!

Get started on your healthy, beautiful smile today!